BIOS Revision History

Bios name


MS50S007 Checksum: 4700                              01/03/2002
Initial Bios

Checksum: 1100                              11/11/2002
1.Added CPU auto parking function.
2.Fixed the displaying information of memory speed on BIOS post.
3.Fixed ATI AGP card can't resume from S3 mode.
4.Added the item selection of BIOS setting that is onboard AGP enable/disable.
5.Changed the booting sequence as floppy, hdd0, cdrom.
6.Updated VIA onboard VGA BIOS.
7.Fixed CMOS can't save the setting value of DDR CAS latency.
8.Updated CPU micro code.
9.Fixed the problem when entering the system. It can detect onboard VGA device.
10.Changed default value as 2T for DRAM CAS Latency Setting&DRAM Addr/Cmd Rate.
11.Due to SIS chipset(651 A&648A) can't support hyper-threading CPU resume from S3   mode. It will not display the S3 item selection when plugging the Typer-Threading CPU.
12.Fixed Intel Celeron 2.0GHz sign-on message show as 2.0A GHz (100MHz X 20)
13.Fixed wrong message of Celeron 2.0Ghz L2 cash.
14.Changed value of Safe Ratio for Intel sample P4 CPU with Hyper-Threading.
15.Support TWINMOS USB FLASH disk to boot up.
16.Fixed WOL can't work.